The Diocesan policy for funding elementary Catholic schools calls for each school to have fundraising activities to generate a minimum of 12% of their total operating budget. For the 2024-25 school year, Guardian Angel Academy is to fund raise $200,000 toward the operating budget. Each family is responsible for raising $750 (K-8) / $350 (Preschool) in fundraising profit for the 2024-2025 school year. This enables us to keep tuition rates at 60% of the total cost. Fundraising is a vital component to our school’s operational budget, ensuring our school has sufficient funds to meet operational requirements—dollars raised beyond our operational requirements is needed to ensure GAA has sufficient funds for enriching recreational, athletic programs, and teacher support efforts. School parents are expected to participate in fundraising activities to the best of their ability. The fundraising deadline is April 30, 2025.
Volunteering is the lifeblood of our school and we strongly encourage all families to gift to the school/student body above the minimum expected hours of each family. Do not worry, it’s fun and there are ample volunteer opportunities to fit any schedule. Without volunteers we cannot hold events, provide athletic programs or accomplish many of our goals for the year. Each family is expected to volunteer a minimum of 10 hours throughout the school year. Each volunteer hour completed will earn that family a $10 credit with a maximum of $100 credit available toward their fundraising requirement for the 2024-2025 school year. Please note, classroom activities are not counted toward volunteer hours. ALL volunteers MUST have their clearances.
Families can review their fundraising status by accessing the following site or by calling Mrs. O’Toole in the School Office. If you do not reach your fundraising goal by the deadline, the balance is due before the end of the May.